"New NATO" poses quite some challenges for the power balance in the world and goes beyond defending security. NATO has already moved east and therefore closer to Russia, which lost its former allies.

The changing face of the military was the theme of the War Resisters' International seminar held in Germany in August, which brought together about 40 participants.

by Robin Blackburn (extract)

Ever since 1991 Women in Black against War from Belgrade have been actively working for peace and non violence. The policy which characterizes Women in Black against War begins with confronting with every form of violence, war, militarism, nationalism. Since 1991 the biggest casualty on the territory of Former Yugoslavia has been the civilian population. It is happening again now.

Values which we are supporting are life, solidarity, respecting of differences.

Vesna Terselic

WRI, 26 de marzo, 1999

La Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (WRI), una red internacional de más de setenta grupos pacifistas distribuidos por más de treinta países (entre los que se encuentran la República Federal de Yugoslavia y Croacia), condena los bombardeos de la OTAN y la hipocresía de los gobiernos que constituyen esta institución, puesto que ellos han contribuido a aumentar la presión para que estallara la guerra.

Las razones originales para amenazar con una actuación militar eran obligar

Alba Kör's NO to NATO in Hungary

With a national referendum on joining NATO due to take place mid-November in Hungary, the