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Resource Manual for a Living Revolution, Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser, and Christopher Moore, Philadelphia, New Society Publishers, first edition 1977, latest 1985, 351 pages. Familiarly known as the ‘Monster Manual’, this was the comprehensive sourcebook for English-speaking nonviolence trainers in the 1970s and 1980s, produced collectively within the United States by Movement for a New Society.

Nonviolent Action Handbook, Beck, Sanderson, Goleta, California, World Peace Communications, 2002, 95 pages. Introductory texts, downloadable or as print copies from World Peace Communications, 495 Whitman St. #A, Goleta, CA 93117, USA.

Nonviolence Training Project, Nonviolence Trainers Resource Manual, Melbourne, Australia, May 1995, 211 pages. Wide-ranging manual with sections on defining nonviolence, power and conflict, learning from other movements, strategic frameworks, nonviolence and communication, working in groups, and preparing for nonviolent action. Downloadable as a pdf from:

The Ruckus Society Website offers manuals on action planning and media among other topics, plus numerous links to other Websites:

Handbook for Nonviolent Action, New York, War Resisters League, Donnelly/Colt Graphix, 1989, 36 pages. Designed as a tool for learning about different aspects of nonviolent civil disobedience actions. Most of it can be downloaded as part of ACT UP New York's Manual for Civil Disobedience:

Seeds for Change: A British-based network that provides training resources including: consensus and facilitation, groups and meetings, practical skills for campaigning groups:

Rant Collective: A trainers' collective that offers resources on action planning & structures, anti-oppression, media, and strategy:

INNATE (Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training & Education): Wide selection of resources in nonviolence including: introduction to nonviolence, nonviolence and Christian belief, approaches to conflict, consensus decision making, and much more:

''Caritas: Resource Kits for Peace Builders '': Caritas has developed this site to contain resources for peace building training and learning. It includes Resource Kits on specific topics and other tools for learning design and facilitation:

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC) list of manuals:

Handbook for Nonviolent Action: A nonviolence training handbook for direct action against nuclear weapons in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, June 2005:

Nonviolence International list of recommended manuals and other publications:

Training for Change list of books and manuals:

Engage: Exploring Nonviolent Living, Peace and Bene Nonviolence Service: Full of stories, exercises and resources, Engage is a workbook to learn, study and practice the nonviolent options available to us. It offers a guide for groups on how to take action for justice and peace in the midst of war, injustice and environmental destruction:

Rhizome: A cooperative which brings together the skills and experience of a network of facilitators. They have extensive resources on group facilitation and consensus decision making:

Backfire manual: tactics against injustice, Brian Martin, Irene Publishing 2012. The Backfire Manual outlines the backfire model and gives examples and exercises for using it. This is a practical handbook for being more effective whenever you face a powerful, dangerous opponent.

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