- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, www.peacewomen.org. Includes women's peace and security resources, with materials from many cultures and contexts and a number of handbooks and training resources.See also http://www.peacewomen.org/resources/Organizing/organizingindex.html
- The Inclusive Security Sustainable Peace: A Toolkit for Advocacy and Action. Developed by International Alert and Women Waging Peace,available in PDF format at:http:// www.womenbuildingpeace.org or http://www.womenwagingpeace.net
- Advocacy Guide for Feminists, http://www.awid.org/eng/Issues-and-Analysis/Library/An-advocacy-guide-for-feminists
- Claiming Justice, Claiming Rights: A Guide for Women Human Rights Defenders, http://www.defendingwomen-defendingrights.org/pdf2007/book3Neo.pdf\
- International Women's Partnership for Peace and Justice: http://www.womenforpeaceandjustice.org/
- Women Peacemakers Program: http://www.ifor.org/WPP/index.html
- Women in Black: http://www.womeninblack.org/
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