Language ArabicCatalanEnglishFrenchGermanIndonesianJapaneseKoreanPortugueseRussianSlovakSpanishTigrinyaTurkishUkrainian Publication - 모두 -Action guidesNew Worlds in Old Shells-Case studies-Introduction to constructive programme비폭력 안내서-비폭력 소개-전략적 캠페인-효과적인 행동-사례 연구 및 경험-교육 및 연습 Apply Tasks and tools for organising a training The problem tree/the healthy tree Activism in oppressive regimes South Korea: the use of social media in nonviolent campaigns Strategy Why things don't "just happen" Israel: New Profile learns from the experience of others Nonviolent intervention in Kenya: empowering community action for social justice Freedom Flotilla to Gaza – a dilemma action case study Castor - how we mobilised people for civil disobedience South Korea: the power of international solidarity Legal support Action evaluation Chile: Gandhi’s insights gave people courage to defy Chile’s dictatorship Dilemma actions Responding to violence Mobilising for change: building power in Nepal Humour Burnout Coping with the stress and strain of taking a stand Fear Maintaining nonviolence during an action Consensus decision making Affinity groups Working in groups Sending the protest message Education is freedom: popular education The Movement Action Plan Stages of escalation in a nonviolent campaign Theories of change Constructive programme Planning nonviolent campaigns Power Conflict Violence Gender and nonviolence Nonviolence training Historical uses of nonviolent action Seven interlocking principles of nonviolence What is nonviolence, and why use it?